A capacity-building training course was held in coordination with Salahaddin University-Erbil

A capacity-building training course was held in coordination with Salahaddin University-Erbil
On the recommendation of Prof. Kamran Younis Mohammed Amin, president of Salahaddin University-Erbil, Mr. Hussein Ahmed Mustafa, Director of CDC and Asst. Prof. Hardawan Mohammed Kakasheikh, Coordinator of the Center, participated in the course on (Increasing Capacity of CDC staff-Iraq & KRI).
The training course was organized for some universities and colleges in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. The training course was sponsored by Spark with the financial support of the European Union and implemented by Donic Company. On the fourth day of the training, gifts from the Presidency of Salahaddin University were presented to SPARK and Donic Company, while medals of honor were awarded to the organizers of the training.