A workshop was held on the occasion of (the international day of people with disabilities. )

A workshop was held on the occasion of (the international day of people with disabilities. )
On Sunday December 11th 2022 a workshop was held by the department of special education in collaboration with the research center of Charmo University, on the occasion of the international day of people with disabilities. It is worth mentioning that the vice president for scientific affairs, vice president for administrative affairs, a number of teachers and students were present. Sozan Mahmud, the head of the special education department, explained the causes of disabilities, ill-treating some materials that cause disabilities, the benefits and the responsibilities of special education department. Also, Dr. Omed Qadir, the dean of the research center of Charmo University, presented a seminar about( plastic material and its effect on health and environment). Afterwards, a seminar was presented by Dr.Farman Ali, lecturer at Special Education department about ( causes of disabilities and self- protection ways). After that, Iman Ahmad, student of Special Education department presented a topic entitled (explanations of groups of disabilities). In the end, Mhmood Bakhtiar, student of Special Education department presented a topic entitled (the aim and the necessity of special education department for society). The workshop was concluded with the discussion among the attendees of the workshop.