Charmo University: A workshop on “New Trends in ELT” was Held
Charmo University: A workshop on “New Trends in ELT” was Held

Charmo University: A workshop on “New Trends in ELT” was Held

On Tuesday, 28-2-2023, with the attendance of each of Asst. Prof. Dr. Hawzhin Abdulkhaliq, the vice president of Charmo University, the dean of Charmo Center for Research, Training, and Consultancy, the dean of the College of Science, and a number of students, employees, and lecturers, the College of Education with the assistance of Charmo Center organized a scientific workshop entitled New Trends in ELT. The event focused on the development of a new trend in ELT (English Language Teaching).

The Presenters:

-    Mr. Chalak Ali, a doctoral candidate, presented the topic: “Constructivism and the 5 E’s”.

-    Ms. Khelan Muhammed gave a speech on the subject: of “Student-Centered Approach”.

-    Mr. Soran Sadiq explained the theory of “Connectivism”.

Then with the discussion of the attendees, the workshop was ended.

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