UoH and KScien Host Special Event on Scientific Publication

UoH and KScien Host Special Event on Scientific Publication
The University of Halabja and KScien Organization held a special event on scientific publication at the University of Halabja Central library on Wednesday 28th of February, 2024.
The event which was attended by numerous lecturers from all scientific departments as well as students, consisted of a series of seminars each focusing on an important aspect of scientific publication.
The event kicked off with an opening speech from Prof. Dr. Mahabad Kamil Abdulla, the UoH president in which she welcomed everyone and highlighted the importance of doing research from the academic staff.
The first seminar entitled “Generation of Research Ideas” was presented virtually by Dr. Rawa Bapir from KScien Organization who said that research comes from simple ideas when a researcher asks himself or herself questions of what, where, how, when, and so on.
He further mentioned that to do research, one needs partners, followed by a proposal, data collection, data analysis and finally publication. During any stage, many obstacles emerge, therefore it is important to have patience and be persistent in order to move forward and destroy every obstacle.
“In order to be a good researcher, one needs to be curios, courageous and creative” he added.
The second seminar was presented by Mr. Berwn Anwar from KScien Organization and focused on literature review as in important stage in carrying out research.
He stated that literature review is required to be known by every scientific person since it is sometimes referred to as the eye of researcher.
“Literature review is helpful and we need it because it helps us gain accurate information, identify gaps and works as a guide for research” he further added.
The following seminar was presented by Dr. Fahmi K. Kakamad, head of KScien Organization for Scientific Research. He highlighted some common mistakes that are made during the writing of manuscript.
He mentioned that one common mistake is the use of the first person expressed by pronouns such as I, we, us, our, etc. which devalue your research unless ones uses them to criticize oneself.
“Another common mistake is the failure to acknowledge people who helped you during the process of research conduction” He added.
“One other mistake done by some researcher is being wordy, that is, used too many words to express something when a shorter expression or structure would suffice” He further added during is session.
The fourth seminar was presented by Mr. Bawar Muhammad Faraj lecturer and head of international ranking office at UoH who gave a brief explanation regarding the UoH position in the world’s famous databases and university rankings.
His presentation, which was mostly self-expressive both visually and numerically, showed aspects such as the UoH ranking from the past through present, the necessity to be added to Scimago which is dependent on documents on Scopus, number of Scopus-indexed journal publication at the university by researcher, by year, by scientific department, and various other aspects.
Dr. Jaafar O. Ahmed from KScien Organization conducted the fifth seminar, elucidating various facets of scientific publication, including career advancement, authorial responsibility, societal contribution, journal selection, the necessity of ORCID, and the avoidance of predatory journals.
The six session was on the role of AI in conducting research which was presented by Shvan H. Mohammad who touched upon several trending AI tools whose use aid the researcher in the process of carrying out research if used correctly and appropriately.
The seventh and last session was dedicated to some crucial tips for researcher to follow and implement when doing research. The seminar was presented by Dr. Hiwa O. Baba from KScien Oragnization. He touched upon the necessities time management, teamwork, staying updated, and leveraging artificial intelligence.