Uniting Universities for a Transformative Third Mission

Join our collaborative platform showcasing multiple universities, together advancing the third mission, driving innovation, social impact, and fostering a brighter future.

WP3 Field Visit Pisa Evora


By actively engaging with society and pursuing initiatives beyond traditional academia, we unlock a range of advantages, while simultaneously driving meaningful impact and transformative change.

Through third mission activities, education institutes remain connected to the evolving needs and challenges of the world, ensuring institution's continued relevance and adaptability. By extending the reach beyond campus boundaries, they can amplify their potential to effect meaningful change and make a significant impact on the lives of individuals, communities, and society at large.

Students will gain a holistic education that goes beyond theoretical knowledge, immersing them in real-world issues, fostering critical thinking, and nurturing a sense of social responsibility. They emerge as well-rounded individuals equipped with the skills and mindset necessary to make a positive difference in society.

Key Focus Areas

community engagement icon

Community Engagement

respond to the needs of our local community.
knowledge transfer innovation icon

Knowledge Transfer and Innovation

sharing research findings

Lifelong Learning

The power of education to transform lives
policy advice and consultancy icon

Policy Advice and Consultancy

policymakers and evidence-based insights
social impact and sustainability icon

Social Impact and Sustainability

positive and sustainable impact on society


Charmo University: An event titled "Students and Universities" was held
Charmo University: An event titled "Students and Universities" was held
November 2023

On Sunday, 05-11-2023, the Quality Assurance Directorate of Charmo University in partnership with t...

A workshop was held on the occasion of (the international day of people with disabilities. )
A workshop was held on the occasion of (the international day of people with disabilities. )
October 2022

On Sunday December 11th 2022 a workshop was held by the department of special education in collabora...

Charmo University:  The Training Course of Trainers (TOT) has Reached its Completion
Charmo University: The Training Course of Trainers (TOT) has Reached its Completion
April 2023

On Monday 29-05-2023 in the presence of both Asst. Prof. Dr. Hallat Rashid, president of the Univer...

Charmo University: A panel discussion was held about the uprising and its glory
Charmo University: A panel discussion was held about the uprising and its glory
July 2023

On Tuesday, 7-3-2023, with the attendance of each of Asst. Prof. Dr. Hallat Rashid, the president of...

College of Education: The Department of Special Education brought the end to the work of scientific education
College of Education: The Department of Special Education brought the end to the work of scientific education
February 2023

On Monday, 27-2-2023, with the attendance of each o Asst. Prof. Dr. Saman Izzadin, dean of the Colle...

Charmo University: A workshop on “New Trends in ELT” was Held
Charmo University: A workshop on “New Trends in ELT” was Held
February 2023

On Tuesday, 28-2-2023, with the attendance of each of Asst. Prof. Dr. Hawzhin Abdulkhaliq, the vice...

Sulaimani University in Collaboration with the Forestry Directorate Holds a Panel on Environmental Problems in Kurdistan
Sulaimani University in Collaboration with the Forestry Directorate Holds a Panel on Environmental Problems in Kurdistan
July 2023

The College of Environmental Sciences of Sulaimani University in collaboration with Sulaimani Forest...

A graduate of Duhok University has been selected as one of the 100 most influential women in the world
A graduate of Duhok University has been selected as one of the 100 most influential women in the world
November 2023

Basima Abdulrahman, a graduate of the College of Engineering at the University of Duhok, has been na...

A project to create job opportunities for youth was announced at Salahaddin University-Erbil
A project to create job opportunities for youth was announced at Salahaddin University-Erbil
February 2024

February 20, 2024, under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr Kamaran Younis M. Amin, president of Sala...

Salahaddin University won the Iraqi Universities Table Tennis Championship
Salahaddin University won the Iraqi Universities Table Tennis Championship
March 2024

Salahaddin University won the first place in the Iraqi universities table tennis tournament. The num...

A capacity-building training course was held in coordination with Salahaddin University-Erbil
A capacity-building training course was held in coordination with Salahaddin University-Erbil
February 2024

On the recommendation of Prof. Kamran Younis Mohammed Amin, president of Salahaddin University-Erbil...

Salahaddin University-Erbil preparing students for the labor market
Salahaddin University-Erbil preparing students for the labor market
February 2024

Salahaddin University-Erbil, during the workshop on (Evaluation and Review of Academic Skills) in pr...

The fourth grant-awarding conference for student graduation projects and ideas was held at Salahaddin University-Erbil
The fourth grant-awarding conference for student graduation projects and ideas was held at Salahaddin University-Erbil
January 2024

February 15, 2024, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Sharif Mawloud Sharif Vice president for Higher Educ...

An event held at Salahaddin University-Erbil to mark World Mother Language Day
An event held at Salahaddin University-Erbil to mark World Mother Language Day
January 2024

On February 21, 2024, a scientific and artistic event was arranged about World Mother Language Day e...

A conference on existence was held at Salahaddin University-Erbil
A conference on existence was held at Salahaddin University-Erbil
January 2024

Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) arranged a conference titled“Coexistence in Kurdistan – its Positi...

The president of Salahaddin University- Erbil expresses gratitude to a leading student and his supervisor.
The president of Salahaddin University- Erbil expresses gratitude to a leading student and his supervisor.
November 2023

December 13, 2023, Prof. Kamran Younis Mohammed Amin, The president of SUE, in the presence of Prof....

Kurdish Language Department Organized an Event to Celebrate Mother Language Day
Kurdish Language Department Organized an Event to Celebrate Mother Language Day
January 2024

The Kurdish Language Department organized an event to celebrate Mother Language Day on February 21,...

UoH and KScien Host Special Event on Scientific Publication
UoH and KScien Host Special Event on Scientific Publication
January 2024

The University of Halabja and KScien Organization held a special event on scientific publication at...

The Entrepreneurship Student Ambassador Program (ESAP) is announced at Salahaddin University-Erbil.
The Entrepreneurship Student Ambassador Program (ESAP) is announced at Salahaddin University-Erbil.
October 2023

October 30, 2023, in the presence of Dr. Amir Chali, Advisor to the Ministry of Higher Education and...

University of Halabja Held the Graduation Ceremony for the Eighth and Ninth Rounds of Students
University of Halabja Held the Graduation Ceremony for the Eighth and Ninth Rounds of Students
November 2023

The University of Halabja marked a significant moment on November 14, 2023, as it proudly held the g...

The Presidency of Salahaddin University-Erbil acknowledged the inventors participating in the third conference of unique inventions of Iraq
The Presidency of Salahaddin University-Erbil acknowledged the inventors participating in the third conference of unique inventions of Iraq
March 2024

March 19, 2024, in the presence of Prof. DR. Hussein Saadi, Vice President of Salahaddin University-...

Salahaddin University-Erbil sending students to Oman for summer training
Salahaddin University-Erbil sending students to Oman for summer training
June 2024

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kamaran Younis M. Amin, President of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), in the prese...

The second round of peace bus was held at Salahaddin University-Erbil
The second round of peace bus was held at Salahaddin University-Erbil
June 2024

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Certificates were awarded to the participants of the first and second rounds of MasterChef courses
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May 2024

On May 29, 2024, in the presence of Italian Consul Michele Camerota, Dr. Mahabad Saadi Ali, Erasmus...

Salahaddin University is sending the second group of students to Egypt for a summer training course
Salahaddin University is sending the second group of students to Egypt for a summer training course
June 2024

July 8, 2024, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kamaran Younis M. Amin, President of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE)...



  • Programme: European Commission, Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity-building in the Field of Higher Education. The project has been funded with support from the European Union.
  • Project Duration: from 15 January 2021 to 14 January 2024.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement
  • The overarching goal of APPRAIS is to support, through the cooperation with European institutions, the rebuilding and modernisation of the governance system of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, with a specific focus on strategic planning, quality assurance and Bologna process implementation.
  • To institutionalize good governance practices in Iraqi HEIs also means enforcing institutional values such as autonomy, accountability, participation, quality assurance, and internationalization, as well as implementing well-structured management systems.
  • The project will contribute to the development and modernization of the HE sector in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, supporting HEIs in meeting international standards and empowering university staff to effectively manage and implement changes.

Project specific objectives

Project specific objectives

APPRAIS project idea comes from the willingness of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR KRG) to improve and develop the higher education system in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The MOHESR KRG has encouraged several Iraqi Universities to adopt the European higher education model, supporting therefore the implementation of the Bologna Process. Specifically, the project aims to:

  • Enhancing good governance, by strengthening the definition and development of HEIs roadmap.
  • Improving HEIs capacities on quality assurance mechanisms, strategic planning, management and accountability practices.
  • Supporting the implementation of Bologna Process within HEIs in Kurdistan region of Iraq by improving knowledge on recognition of credits and learning mobility.
  • Adopting the university reform on good governance and Bologna process at each HEIs, through the definition and validation of institutional action plans.

Key Expected Results


Quality Assurance

State of the art on governance and quality assurance in the universities of Kurdistan region of Iraq.



University roadmap for better university governance and implementation of Bologna process in the HEIs of Kurdistan region of Iraq.


Strategic Planning

56 university leaders (presidents, vice-presidents, heads of IROs and QA responsibles) upskilled on strategic planning, quality assurance and credits recognition.


Administrative Management

80 administrative staff upskilled on university administrative management, quality assurance and internationalisation strategies.



Further 160 university staff (20 people from each HEI) benefit from the institutional ToTs during the harmonisation phase.


Ministry of HE

8 shared strategic institutional plans validated by the KRI Ministry and adopted by the HEIs in Kurdistan


This year, our Youth Employment Program is all about breaking barriers and making dreams happen! We teamed up with the awesome crews from Soran University ,University of Kurdistan Hewlêr (UKH) , Salahaddin University-Erbil ,Tishk International University to rock the mission of paving the career path for their students.

The next phase “Talent Forge” is about to kick off in March - participants starting their learning & development journey. YE is empowering the youth with the essential skills they need to thrive.

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